Welfare Policy

Edge Acrobatic Gymnastics is committed to ensuring that those working with children adopt the best possible practise to ensure the safety, wellbeing and care of their members, staff and officials by:

  1. Adopting the British Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines.
  2. Following the British Gymnastics guidelines for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. 
  3. Insisting that coaches of all levels, and volunteers, complete relevant British gymnastics recommended safeguarding certification.
  4. Insisting that coaches, volunteers and officials have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. This will include a Disclosure and Barring Service check.
  5. Appointing both a Welfare Officer and Grievance Officer to whom grievances, complaints or concerns can be made to confidentially.
  6. Ensuring the ‘Time To Listen’ course is successfully completed by the Welfare Officer.
  7. Ensuring all club safeguarding policies are accessible and up to date.
  8. Adhere to the Safeguarding procedure to ensure that concerns are dealt with efficiently and effectively. 
  9. Ensuring that the best coaching practise guidelines are adhered to at all times.
  10. Safeguarding members, staff and officials by guaranteeing a minimum of two responsible adults at all training sessions and events. 
  11. Promising that the image consent guidelines within the members registration form are adhered to at all times.
  12. Maintaining a zero tolerance of poor practice, bullying or any other potential form of abuse.
  13. Ensure coaches, volunteers and members adhere to all relevant codes of conduct.

Welfare Officers

All British Gymnastics clubs and events are required to have a Welfare Officer to be responsible for:

*Responding to child protections concerns.

*Reacting to poor practice concerns.

*Providing support and advice in the implementation of procedures that safeguard and promote the welfare of club members, staff, volunteers and officials. 

Welfare Officer

Mariannina Turner

Shortlisted for British Gymnastics, National Safeguarding Award



Please use the link below to report any safeguarding incidents

Edge safeguarding Incident Report Form

Grievance Policy

Edge Acrobatic Gymnastics is committed to providing a safe, stimulating, consistent and accessible service to all members and their parents/carers. We always aim to provide high quality services for everyone but we do accept sometimes things do not always go to plan. In such circumstances, we want to know so that we can put them right and learn from any developmental opportunities.

As a club affiliated to British Gymnastics, Edge Acrobatic Gymnastics is aligned by the BG procedures for complaints and disciplinary issues. The Welfare and safety of its members are the Club’s highest priority. If matters arise, they will be dealt with confidentially and considerately. If a complaint cannot be settled at club level, then it will be passed to British Gymnastics for review.

If you have any issues of concern, your first port of call should be to talk to the lead coach of that session, it should then be possible to resolve any problems as soon as they occur. If not, then the parent/carer should follow the formal complaints procedure set out below but not before either a discussion or correspondence has taken place to attempt to sort the problem or issue raised. Under normal circumstances the club coach or lead session coach will be responsible for talking through, informally investigating and resolving your concerns without the need to start a formal complaints process.  Talking through a problem can often be easier and less stressful for you. Any complaints/comments can be made at any time but please be respectful of the coach and gymnasts’ safety when doing so.

Please see the flowchart for a list of contacts. 

The grievance procedure should be followed if you feel a problem has not been resolved after talking to a coach.  We can’t always guarantee a total fix every time, but in all cases, we will investigate and report our findings back to you, so that the matter can be resolved sensibly.

If you would like to raise any issue of concern, grievance or complaint, please talk to us:


Grievance Officer

Dan Proctor


Please use the link below to report any concerns, grievances or complaints.


Other useful contacts


0808 800 5000


NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit

0116 366 5580


Childline UK

0800 1111
